All personal information collected from Yorkshire Retina Society (YRS) members and non-members will be used solely for membership, meeting and related research purposes. The YRS collects and stores your name, email address, base hospital and current grade. The YRS does not store any other personally identifiable information such as home address, gender or date of birth. The YRS will not disclose your information, member status or email contact details to any third party. YRS will not under any circumstances sell your name or email details to any third party.
YRS does not collect or store any personal financial information. If you pay for meetings online, the payment details are made directly to PayPal or HSBC bank and YRS does not see any financial information other than the amount paid.
The Secretariat is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). For information on your rights under the Data Protection legislation please go to the ICO website here: The Yorkshire Retina Society has reviewed the handling of personal data in view of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). You are welcome to request in writing at any time for details of information that the YRS holds about you.
Please note that for certain areas of the YRS website it may be necessary to use cookies. You can set your computer to disable cookies or to clear all cookies once you have closed down your browser. The YRS uses third party software (such as jotform to provide registration and evaluation forms). Please refer to jotform's website for how it processes your personal information - www. Please note that the YRS does not store or process any information received from cookies. YRS is an internet advert free website. YAY